Saturday, January 4, 2014

2014: Resolutions

Hello everyone. I don't know about you, but every New Year's Eve, I become really sentimental. I do a lot of reflecting, spend a lot of time alone, and think about how I can better myself for the New Year. I want to share some of my resolutions with you (and for myself, really.) It always helps to have a visual reminder of the things that you want to improve about yourself. I'll enjoy looking back on these to keep a check on my progress.

2014 Resolutions

☾Be more positive.
☾Drink more tea, and less soda.
☾Incorporate new styles into my closet.
☾Spend more time with my family.
☾Perfect my Harley Quinn cosplay.
☾Convert all cleaning/bath/makeup products in my home to "Cruelty Free" brands.
☾Take more photos.
☾Donate money to Animal Shelters.
☾Clean out my closet, donate to Women's Shelters.
☾Place my first Taobao order.
☾Learn to perform Latte Art.
☾Go to Casting Calls more often.
☾Write more frequently.
☾Keep my house clean.
☾Compliment at least one person a day.
☾Organize my house.
☾Get married!
☾Go to Germany.

There they are. I'm going to do my best to complete all of these! I've got high hopes that this will be a great year. Thanks for reading. Do you have any goals for 2014? What are they? I'd love to hear them! Share them with me in the comments below, or on my Tumblr, here! 

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