The stock photos of each are below:
Ship Time: 4/5
It's standard for items from China to take at least a month to arrive.
Packaging: 5/5
Wrapped and sealed individually in zip-lockable baggies with the company logo on them. Both bags had a SheInside "business card" and were folded neatly inside.
Sweater Fit/Comfort: 4/5
The Dark Red Long Sleeve Diamond Patterned Pullover Sweater is made of thick and heavy material. It aligns perfectly with the stock photo in hue. The arms are rather short, but you can fix this by bunching the sleeves up at the elbows.
Skirt Fit/Comfort: 5/5
This Grey Elastic Waist Bow Skirt is one of the most high quality items I have received from SheInside. It is thick and well constructed. The lace-y finish adds a delightful feminine touch. The colors are exact with the stock photo. When I unpacked it, I was disheartened immediately, because it looked so small. The skirt only comes in "one-size". I was certain that it would be too short to wear. However, curiosity won me over, and I slipped the skirt on anyway. The elastic waist provided the stretch and the second layer of the skirt gave me the length I needed. I'm 5'9, and this skirt fits like a dream. Absolutely love it. 5/5. You can get yours here, and it's on sale!
Overall: 4.5/5
I am the happiest I've been with SheInside. The quality of these items is much better than the past. I love when items are identical to their stock photo, and far surpass the expected quality. You can scroll down to look at some pictures of my outfit. Thanks for reading!
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